
I started writing when I was in the 6th grade. I still remember that Literature Arts class. My teacher was a 5′ nothing black lady whose hair we never got to see because of the headwrap she donned every day for class. Every Friday, we were given the task to write in our journals. She said that we could write as much or as little as we wanted, as long as we wrote something. Most of the other kids in my class hated this weekly assignment. Clamoring for the weekend, they would moan and groan their way through 3 sentences worth of journal writing before slamming down their pencils and swaddling their heads with their arms. But I was different. For whatever reason, I looked forward to weekly journal writing. I was never very good at “true” art, you know arts and crafts, but I was drawn to the art of writing. There was something about being able to tell a story and escape the real world that made me feel alive. It made me feel like I was more than just myself. I wasn’t journaling about my life, but rather I was journaling about the life that existed inside of my head. Journaling allowed me to bring my creative ideas to life. I could be whoever I wanted to be in the stories that I wrote. I could do anything. Say anything. Because it was MY writing. To that point, I  had never considered myself to be very artistically inclined or even very creative. But out of that simple weekly journaling assignment, I discovered an exciting, beautiful world inside of myself. I discovered a world far more creative than I ever imagined existed within me.

All of the stories that I post on this blog serve to provide a glimpse into how I see the world. They are meant to spread love, honesty, and laughter to those who read. Anything else is just icing on the cake. I love to write about things that young, strong, and emotionally competent individuals can understand and relate to. And it is my hope that others grow to love seeing the world from my perspective every once in awhile.

Love and Lust stands alone as its own series of short stories. Fallen Angel begins a trilogy of short stories following the Samuels family. Wild Wasteland is Part II. Enigmatic Condition, Part III, is currently in the works. I truly hope you enjoy.